A beloved family ring was divided among two daughters. One daughter got the center stone and the other daughter got the actual ring with the two side stones. The daughter who received the center stone had always loved the original ring. Using the original ring as a guide, I found a matching pair of antique diamond side stones. Here is the result.

This project was very dear to me as the ring belonged to my favorite Aunt and her daughters are my closest first cousins. Working on family jewelry is the greatest honor because I am entrusted to preserve memories in material objects that are directly associated with a loved one.

This ring has even more history to tell! My Aunt Honey found the pair of diamonds in New Orleans at City Park. They were in the clasp of a strand of pearls. My aunt put signs in the park and placed a notice in the paper. No one ever claimed the necklace so the pair of diamonds became the side stones in her ring. The center stone belonged to her grandmother. The story of a single ring and its meaning to a family speaks volumes about the emotional value we attach to our jewelry.